At Spage Sport, we strive to provide our customers with the best experience. As such, we have implemented a shipping policy that allows us to charge the customer for shipping after their order has been placed.

When you place an order on our website, you will not be charged for shipping at the time of purchase. Instead, we will calculate the shipping cost based on the weight and dimensions of your order, as well as the shipping destination. Once we have determined the shipping cost, we will send you an invoice via email with the total amount due, including the shipping charge. This shipping fee must be paid in full prior to shipping out your order.

All shipping fees and delivery times are determined by the shipping company.

All customers are responsible for paying any fees associated with customs and duties on their shipments. The customer is responsible for understanding and complying with all laws and regulations related to the import of goods into their country. We will provide any necessary documentation to assist with the customs clearance process, but ultimately the customer is responsible for any fees assessed by their country's customs agency. If a package is refused or returned due to non-payment of customs or duty fees, the customer will be responsible for all fees associated with the return shipping, as well as any fees assessed by the customs agency.

Last Updated: February 2023